14 Sep Koinonia Youth Culture (Zhytomyr’15)
We were together 5 days at our Koinonia Youth Culture camp in Ukraine. It was incredible.
Worship audio is ready for listening and download.
Dad, sons are coming. The whole earth, listen, sons are coming. Heaven, listen, the sons are coming. Listen, the whole earth, the sons are coming.
I am looking at you, and I am not scared. You are my victory, I am reaching out to You.
You are my sun that will rise up, Your love will blow up my spirit.
I am thirsty for You as a desert for water. I am thirsty for You.
There is so little of You for me, Jesus, I want more.
I am waiting for You, You are my Groom. My prayer to You is Your everyday bread. I am waiting for You, my Dad.
I love you. You are mine forever. Never I will leave and forsake you, My daughter, King’s daughter.
It is forever. Do you hear it? Forever. Everything will pass, and you will forget, the past wounds. You will never remember. I forgive it all now. Never, do you hear, you are not guilty. There is no more shame. No fear. Not guilty any more. Never. Because I love you.
Draw me in even closer. Put me even deeper into Your heart.
Jesus, I love you so much.
Dad, thanks to You I exist, because of You I am. Dad. You opened the heaven. There is no son without a father. Dad. There is no defeat. There is no failure. Even unexperienced will not get lost there. The enemy lion will not be found there. My river will flow. And instead of jackal there will be reed and rush. Make the trembling knees strong. I strengthen those who are timid in their soul. Dad. Think about Dad now, only about Him. Dad. Dad. The entering door. Everything is thanks to You.
Nothing can be compared to Your love that is drawing me back home.
I cannot walk away from Your face. You are my depth. I dive into you.
I just want to be where You are. To be so close to Your heart. Nothing can be compared to Your love that is drawing me to You.
All I need, God, is Your unlimited love. You are all I need.
Jesus, I love you so much.
Your thoughts are higher than mine. Your words are deeper than mine. Your love is stronger than mine. Your thoughts are deeper than mine. Your words are stronger than mine. Your love is stronger than mine.
It is not a sacrifice. It is my life. I give myself to You. Not a part, but my whole life. I bring my dreams and hopes to You with love.
I give you everything as a gift, everything You gave me with love. Can I hide this precious things for Your glory just in myself?
Heaven is my home. Your glory is my home. I can be real there, I can be myself there.
Tasting Your goodness and Your mercy, my heart is calm and I am not ashamed. Jesus, in Your presence.
Your depths draws me in so strongly. Intimacy with You overwhelms me, Your intimacy breaks me, my Dad. I go to You. And there is no fear in me. I go to You the way I am.
You captured me with Your love, You took my heart, You took my heart. I just want to be with You forever.
Take me closer and take me deeper to know Your heart. Your love is sweet, there is nothing better than to know Your heart.
Dad, we are here.
Jesus, reveal Dad for us. We don’t know Him, we don’t understand Him. We don’t know why. We need reasons, and there are none. Dad, I need reasons, and there are none. I want to know why, and there is no answer. I don’t understand, open Your heart to me. Open Your heart to us. Dad, we are here.
The more I seek You, the more I find You.
Put me like a seal over your heart, Like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death.
Love of the Father. For love is as strong as death. Love of the Father.
I find that I’m safe and warm in your loving arms
You see me, And You know me, And You love me Through and through
I want to be so close to Your heart, I want intimacy with You so much. Though I don’t see, I don’t hear, I don’t feel, but I want to be close to Your heart, I want intimacy with You so much. Dad, I want it so much.
I ask You. I am waiting for You, Dad.
Dad, I crawl on You. I get in your arms, because I am Your child. No one can prove that I am not Yours. Because my heart is beating the same way Yours is. I dive into Your embraces. This is the simplest. I have rest in Your, because I am Yours forever. I am Yours forever.
Stop trying to die for others. Trying to live a little bit for yourself. You were not created to die for others. You were created to die for yourself and live for others. Jesus showed us the example. There on the cross He didn’t die for you. There on the cross he neglected everything He was and died for Himself. It wasn’t love that crucified Him. It wasn’t love that killed Him. But love resurrected Him. Love resurrected Him to live for you. If he died for you, you would have not existed. That would be the end. Devil killed Him. Jesus allowed Him to do so. And with it He died for Himself to have opportunity to resurrect for you. Rejecting everything He had, He threw it all away, so it would not hinder Him to live for you. That’s enough to die for others. Die for yourself and finally begin to live, live for others. Paul says, “I will show you the higher way, way that is higher than brain, logics, higher than anything, higher than death, higher than the law, higher than everything. This way is love.” God says, “Don’t try to fill up this pit called self-love. It seems to you, that when you fill it up, it will be full, and then you will be able to live for others. But this pit has no bottom. It’s impossible to fill it up…
Everything you can do it to cover it with the stone on the top, to close it with the stone of death, to die for yourself.” God says, “When will you uptight My hands. I want to bless you. I want to love you. Untight My hands, die for yourself and begin to live. And then I will be able to live for you.” Look at who you are. You are a son. Look at the First One, He died for Himself to resurrect for you and live for you, to stand before the Father for you and to constantly intercede before Him for you. And He didn’t die for you, He died for Himself to resurrect and live for you. The higher way. We cannot receive everything we need just because we are trying to fill up this pit of self-love. We are trying to die for others. But it is really easy to die for others. And there is no bigger love than when someone lays down his life for his friends. The word ‘lay down’ in the original means the process, it’s not a one-time thing that you just died and that’s it. Lay down means giving up constantly. And there is no bigger love than when someone constantly gives his life for his friends. It’s a process. But you cannot constantly give it up and live for others, if you didn’t die for yourself. We are made this way. We cannot simultaneously live for ourselves and for others. We either live for ourselves or for others. But God says, “Give me the opportunity to live for you. Start living for others, and then I will be able to live for you.” This is the sonship. He showed us the way, higher way, way of love. Don’t reject it. There are no people happier in this world, than people living for others who died for themselves, because they are happy.