30 Mar Core Trip to Kyiv. Worship night
Long-awaited Saturday evening, March 14, worship night joined together youth form churches of Kyiv, Obukhiv, Zhytomyt, Korostyshiv, Cherkasy, Sumy, Khmilnyk and Krynychky. Already at the afternoon we gathered with the youth and older members of the Father’s House church (pastor Sergey and Vika Lysak). Fellowship with one another in love arose even bigger Koinonia between us. And in the evening we stood all together for the unity in worship, fellowship, prayer, honor and dances. We manifested His authority and revealed His Glory for Kyiv and Harvest. And it was unusual as act of delivery or labour, that gave birth to this new unity, to fullness and freedom. We danced, screamed and abode in this unusual and kind of new freedom, showing who we are and Who we believe in. We experienced a lot those days, and it made us only stronger. It is a beginning, and Kyiv will bring a great Harvest, and we will keep going, we will not be silent and will not stop in the GREAT THINGS HE is drawing us to.