31 Jan Team’s Trip to Kyiv, pastor Sergey Gusach
We spent last weekends with the youth of the Living Stones church in Kyiv. It was a wonderful time of fellowship, playing different games, getting to know one another and praying for every young person whom we met on Saturday; we prophesied to them and released the blessing into their lives.
On Sunday we had an honor to be a part of the service with the whole church. The service was really strong, the team ministered to the pastors, honoring them and releasing the church to do the same, understanding its importance. Later the reunion of generations was released, and it touched every person there. After the service we prayed for people and blessed them. It was a special joy and privilege for us to be with our dear pastors Sergey and Anna Gusach and their church.
We are grateful to God for everything He is doing in our hearts during such trips, as well as in the hearts of everyone we meet!