Opportunities in Israel (conclusion)


Opportunities in Israel (conclusion)

october 2011



Zhenya is a long term friend from Kiev, who studied in our live school. He helped develop a successful drug rehab center and is now recently starting his own congregation.





Visiting Pastors Max and Tania was our last stop in Bat Yam, near Tel Aviv. Their congregation is almost two years old and now very stable. We had a little excitement one night as a MISSILE landed on the beach just ten minutes from us. We heard a lot of sirens. The next day we learned that Israel fired back into Gaza!!! Max and Tania want to be part of Koinonia in Ukraine so they will fellowship with us there, too. Max also finished our live bible school in Kiev in the 1990’s.


It seemed we had so many divine appointments in Israel but the last one came on the flight back to Kiev. We met Misha, who had been on a business trip to Israel. He had also been our student in Kiev but we had not talked in a long time. We spent the whole three hour flight talking, praying, and prophesying over him. He had gotten bumped from the earlier flight and he was certainly happy about that! His dad is the Messianic pastor in Zhitomer. Thank you so much for praying for us and supporting what God is doing through us in Israel.


Rick and Bette