28 May UKRAINE May 2012
Pastor Benny came to Kiev for 3 night meetings and we had some fellowship with him. Randy is with us plus Pastor Mark Duniak from PA who comes with Randy for the youth Culture meetings. Also pictured with us were two of our interpreters.
David Palmquist, our friend and assistant of Benny’s for over twenty years came over for lunch in our apartment. We showed him around our high rise neighborhood. The trees were in bloom, and tulips were everywhere. Every square inch around the apartments that have dirt is cultivated for something to grow. Farming is still in the Ukrainians blood.
About 30 youth came for the weekend to visit in our apartment. During this time they were learning, sharing, worshiping and ministering to each other. These young people are serious about what the Lord is doing among them. They ministered to us as well. Some spoke prophetically and were very clear, exact and encouraging. Their influence is already reaching outside Ukraine to other nations.
Sometimes the kids are still sleeping when the staff comes in early to work or works late. The entire group cannot get all around the dinner table, so the youth eat everywhere else holding their plates. We are happy to have them in the apartment. It increases the anointing here.
If you would like more information or you would like to see more photos of the youth culture, please visit our website at http://koinonia.kiev.ua
Thank you for being such a blessing to us and our ministry!
Rick and Bette