What We Want Is What We Are

What We Want Is What We Are

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly….. as the Father has sent me, I also send you. – Jesus

The Spirit and life of Jesus is already IN the believing child of God. He is alive in you and around you.

This life is the very person of the Lord.

When children of God join together, this life multiplies causing an incredible spiritual synergy. This gathering together is called the Church.

And the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.

Individual is good. Corporate is better. Either way, our presence is to bring life in the very same way Jesus did.

Atmospheres are to change when we arrive. Countenances shift, environments light up, perspectives rise.

This is the heritage of the sons of God. Life flowing from us to the world around us.

I often wonder how the Lord responds to His child who still wants things to happen TO them. After all that has been done on their behalf, all that has been deposited, they still want more.

There is nothing wrong with wanting more of the Lord. We are to continually be filled and refilled with Him.

But too often, this is not what we long for. We want some THING to happen TO us. Something good. Something that will get us past, over, through. We want it come to us from the outside. Heaven, preferably.

But this is not how we have been designed. We are a THROUGH-way, not a TO-way. Just like Jesus, life comes through us. It has already come to us.

What we want, we already have. The trouble is that it takes work, effort, faith, struggle to get it out. And we have not been trained to think that way in Christianity.

We’re God’s kids. I pray, He responds. I ask, He gives. And in this, we falter in our faith when the prayers and petitions go unanswered. So much prophecy today is birthed from this same mindset. “Something good is about to happen to you. Get ready! It’s coming!”

From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water

I have discovered that, just like Jesus, the good I need and want in life comes through me, birthed by the Holy Spirit. Every once in a great while, something great happens to me. I love those moments just as much as you do. But life is too long to wait for the next one.

In between those moments, my identity and role in this world is to create life. It’s already in me, deposited by grace, released by faith. Waiting for God to do something He has already done is a recipe for discouragement.

Sometimes this life, this faith the bible speaks of and looks like hard work. Don’t be afraid of it. It’s the struggle that burns up the flesh. And its the flesh that hides the glory.

Get up. Move. Decide. Serve. Sacrifice. Give. The breakthrough you want is the breakthrough you ARE. Jesus is alive IN you.

In love,
