16 Jun Last 3 cities in this trip to Ukraine
The Lord has been with us in Ukraine this trip. We see growth and maturity. What a privilege.
Kremenchug pastors, Valera and Svieta, have been with us many years. You can see they are very blessed. Our fellowship is sweet with their growing family. We gave diplomas to those who graduated from our Video school this year. At the end of the service, we laid hands on every person in the congregation, about 400. They we all delighted.
Chernovtsy is in the south, a bit warmer. Our fellowship was great and our walks around the quaint town gave us some needed exercise!
In Kahovka, the pastors are young but we have been with them since they were teenagers, so it is fun to affirm them in their calling.
It is our joy to spend our weekends traveling to encourage those we have fathered.
We release to you a special blessing during this summer, as you rest and travel with your family and friends. May the Holy Spirit provide and guide you as you go. And when you return, we expect the Lord to give you new dreams, new energy, and new provision to fulfill your dreams!
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support which helps us to travel and minister.
Hugs and blessings,
Rick and Bette